Berlin impressions – Day 1 | Sehenswürdigkeiten Berlin Reiseblog

Berlin Sehenswürdigkeiten Reiseblog Berlin Eindrücke Brinisfashionbook Reichstag Hackesche höfe

The last weekend I was travelling for a short trip to Berlin – the capital city of Germany and especially also one of the fashion capital cities. It is the place to be for young designer and creative people.

Above all the small boutiques in the courtyards offer a lot of unique and handmade individual items of jewellery, accessoires and clothes. On the other side there is the Kurfürstendamm, one of the most famous fashion streets including all the big labels. Berlin is a city with so many sightseeing points and a lot of scenes to discover. Attached I want to show you my first impressions of this fascinating fashion metropolis.

Berlin Sehenswürdigkeiten Reiseblog Berlin Eindrücke Brinisfashionbook
My streetstyle outfit for an intensive shopping tour through Berlin. Relaxing with a delicious fruit cup at Kurfürstendamm and enjoying the sun – a short break for gathering new energy 🙂
Berlin Sehenswürdigkeiten Reiseblog Berlin Eindrücke Brinisfashionbook Pralinen
Delicious choclate bar at KaDeWe – Kurfürstendamm. They just tasted amazing.
Berlin Sehenswürdigkeiten Reiseblog Berlin Eindrücke Brinisfashionbook Reichstag Hackesche höfe
One of the typical courtyards „Hackesche Höfe“ with amazing special boutiques
Berlin Sehenswürdigkeiten Reiseblog Berlin Eindrücke Brinisfashionbook ohrringe
I found this wonderful handmade and unique earrings in one of the boutiques in the courtyards „Hackeschen Höfe“ – just can’t resist to buy them 🙂
Berlin Sehenswürdigkeiten Reiseblog Berlin Eindrücke Brinisfashionbook Berliner Mauer East Side Gallery
The East side Gallery is one of the world’s biggest open-air galleries.

I hope you liked my post about my Berlin impressions and you are looking forward to my next post about Day 2! 🙂

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