..and here the second part of my March recap is coming. Here in Germany, in March being outside was wonderful, we had such a warm temperature that you could only wear a shirt sometimes. And always carried your sunglasses in your bag! As I saw in my own recap, I was going out and eating sushi a lot this month, I did not even recognize it before I wrote this article 😀 I just have to admit, I loove sushi. All in all I am one of the kind of people which could going out for dinner every day, when my budget would allow it 😀 Unfortunately it does not – at least not always^^. I had a wonderful time in March, even it was very stressful. But I think the stress will go on, but one of the good kind of stress. In two weeks I will travel to Thailand and start there my round trip through Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore – I am so excited, but there is still a lot to do and plan. So April also has some great things coming for me..
On my sunny weekend, we traveled to castle Augustusburg – it is such an amazing building, definitely worth to travel there if you are near to Brühl.Trying to stay healthy sometimes – on this day with a great salad with mango, avocado, shrimps and baguette.Business outfit – the perfect look to pronounce to you this month my new Website – I am still excited about it!If you are near to Cologne in the future and love sushi and grilled things – I only can recommend you Okinii – my absolute favorite restaurant! Everything is soo delicious there – and you can order by iPad, it is a lot of fun!Another Okinii impression 😉This outfit was taken during my Valentines trip to Paris – a jeans blouse can perfectly get combined with black pants.Another sushi time this month – this time at Ichiban Sushibar in Bonn.I also had some great shopping tips and items for you this month – this dresses are such a colorful amazing start into the summer! 🙂Last sushi this month – pink sushi at Sushi Circle. Crazy looking, but really good tasting 😉
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